2022 October

Troop 77 Newsletter

Troop 77 Month in Review

Last month Troop 77 learned about flag etiquette and we were invited to help replace the flag at the Edgewood Spring Creek senior center across the street from EUMC.  We also had several scouts volunteer to help Pack 77 during their annual Cub scout Roundup.

Sadly, our backpacking trip to Boulder Lake was canceled due to health concerns related to the poor air quality in the area.  However, we were able to change direction and attend the Camp Bradley Mountaineer Rendezvous instead.  Many scouts and parents have shared how much they enjoyed this trip.  Scouts were able to learn about the historical importance of the land which is now occupied by Camp Bradley, and participate in several activities to help give them an idea about what life in the late 1800s would have been like.  Despite the active fire near Stanley, a change in weather kept the air pretty clear, apart from some rain and hail.

Check out these exciting stats from our Court of Honor last month.

Here are the stats from our activities over the last month.

Amazing work Troop 77!

Photo of the Month

Upcoming Activities

Monthly Adult Article

We would be thrilled to feature your article in this monthly spot in the newsletter.  Until we start getting some submissions, we'll run articles I find online.  If you want to see articles about your interests, then please send us a submission!

Enjoy this month's article:

Have an idea for an article? You could be a featured columnist in a future newsletter! You don't need anything more than a desire to help contribute. Send an email to troop077webmaster@gmail.com with an article idea, or just to let us know you want to write something.  We'll help!


President Gerald Ford said, 

"I can say without hesitation, because of Scouting principles, I know I was a better athlete, I was a better naval officer, I was a better congressman, and I was a better prepared President."

Monthly Scout Article

We would be thrilled to feature your article in this monthly spot in the newsletter.  Until we start getting some submissions, we'll run articles I find online.  If you want to see articles about your interests, then please send us a submission!

Enjoy this month's article:

Have an idea for an article? You could be a featured columnist in a future newsletter! You don't need anything more than a desire to help contribute. Send an email to troop077webmaster@gmail.com with an article idea, or just to let us know you want to write something.  We'll help!


One of my Boy Scouts asked me, “Sir, is this snake poisonous?”
I said, “No, that snake’s not poisonous at all.”
So the boy picks up the snake which bites him, and the boy starts to spasm and foam at the mouth as the other kids look on in horror.
I continued, “But that snake is venomous. Poison is ingested or absorbed, while venom is injected. Let’s get it right next time, boys.”

Q: How many scouts does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: One. But it takes a few days because they only give it a good turn daily.

Scoutmaster Minute


I’m sure you remember the story of the Little Red Hen From your days of Mother Goose. The hen asks her friends to help her plant and harvest wheat, and they decline. She asks them to grind the wheat into flour, and bake the flour into bread, and they refuse. Then, when the hot, delicious-smelling bread comes out of the oven, all the hen’s friends want a bite. None of them wanted to do the work to make the bread, but all of them want to eat it.

This story offers us a reflection on Certain Human Tendencies.

Everyone wants a clean campsite but nobody wants to pick up the litter.

Everyone wants fun campouts and meetings but nobody wants to plan them.

Everyone wants a great program but nobody want sell popcorn.

Everyone wants to be invited to a party, but nobody wants to host one.

Everyone wants their kids to have a great experience in youth activities, but nobody wants to volunteer.

Everyone hopes their kids learn good things at church, but nobody wants to teach Sunday school.

Everyone wants more civil, honest, and intelligent politics, but nobody wants to run for office.

Everyone wants to eat the “bread” of healthy communities, rich experiences, and a strong society, but nobody wants to make it.

Of course, I’m using “nobody” rhetorically — there are a few hearty scouts who do take the initiative in creating the things that they, and others, enjoy consuming.  They put on the mantle of leadership and do their best to create a great program for the rest of you.

But the number of would-be consumers vastly outweighs the number of creators. The 20% who volunteer, host, and organize cannot make enough bread to feed the 80% who say they’re hungry for it. There are too many people who wait for and expect someone else to step into the breach.

But Scouts we should be that “someone else.”

In life I want you boys to be the that 20%. Be the ones who create a great society. Build things,  Make Art, Provide Service to others, and Volunteer.

With a world full of takers, be the Bakers.

Scoutmaster Harvey